Basic Agrinomics Services

AGRINOMICS General Vitality (GV) Test:
Description: General Vitality (GV) measures how well an organism is working -- whether it is your soil, plant, or animal.
General Vitality (GV) is the most basic measurement of the overall coherence of a living system. The higher the reading, the better the system is working together properly.
General Vitality (GV) is measured by the Energetic Vibrational Strength of an organism.


AGRINOMICS Individual Product Evaluation Test

Example Chart

Description: Many products contain ingredients that are not included on the label. Our services provide a window into the world of inert ingredient purity and potential contamination.
We will test the:
● Energetic Value in the Product, ● Energy Coordination, ● Purity of the Inert Fillers, ● Energy Purity of the Product, ● Energetic Balance of the Product. If these Product tests are not in balance, we will then test the product for: ● Energy Distortion, ● Existence of Holes or Tears in the energy field, ● Harmonic Balance of the major and minor minerals, ● Synergy of the active inert ingredients.
The testing information will allow us to determine if the product can be formulated to a higher energetic vitality and/or the proper stacking order for ingredient formulation.


AGRINOMICS Basic Water Test No. 1

Example Chart

Description: This basic water test measures:
● Sulfates, ● Calcium Sulfates, ● Magnesium Sulfates, ● Sodium Sulfates, ● Nitrites, ● Iron, ● Chlorine, ● Fluoride, ● Stray Voltage


AGRINOMICS Water Test No. 2
Includes entire Basic Water Test No. 1 (a $25 value)

Example Chart

Description: This includes the basic water test measuring:
● Sulfates, ● Calcium Sulfates, ● Magnesium Sulfates, ● Sodium Sulfates, ● Nitrites, ● Iron, ● Chlorine, ● Fluoride, ● Stray Voltage
Additionally, Water Test No. 2 includes results for:
● Porosity (space around the cell structures), ● Exclusion Zone (the available space around the cell structure),● Cellular Memory (breaking up the energy blockages), ● Optimizing the Exclusion Zone to determine the Coherence Potential of the Water.

Our goal is to actualize the maximum potential of an Activated Structured Energized water.


AGRINOMICS Soil Performance Test Level 1

Example Chart

Description: Provides the measurement of the soil:
● General Vitality (GV) ● Harmonized Vitality (HV)
General Vitality (GV) is the overall positive health and coherence of a living system.
Harmonized Vitality (HV) is an improved vitality given after AGRINOMICS balancing service included in this package.


AGRINOMICS Soil Performance Test Level 1 with Component Details
Includes entire Soil Performance Test Level 1 (a $65 value

Example Chart

Description: Provides the measurement of the soil:
● General Vitality (GV) ● Harmonized Vitality (HV)

General Vitality (GV) is the overall positive health and coherence of a living system.
Harmonized Vitality (HV) is an improved reading given after AGRINOMICS balancing service included in this package.

In addition to the results included in Soil Performance Test Level 1 above, the following component measurements will be provided in the report both numerically and in chart form. Additional Component Details Included:

GV, HV, Cation Activity, Anionic Activity, Acid, Alkaline, Organic Matter, Humus, C, NH4, NO2, NO3, P2O5, K, SO4, Ca, Mg, Na, B, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Cl, Si, Se, Mo, Co, Ni, Paramagnetism, Aflatoxins, Chemical Toxicity


AGRINOMICS Soil Performance Test Level 2
Includes entire Soil Performance Test Level 1 (a $65 value

Example Chart

Description: Provides the measurement of the soil:
● General Vitality (GV) ● Harmonized Vitality (HV)

In addition to including the entire Soil Performance Test Level 1 results, the Soil Performance Level 1 includes Recommended Product Usage Instruction.


AGRINOMICS Soil Performance Test Level 2 with Component Details
Includes entire Soil Performance Test Level 2 (a $225 value

Example Chart

Description: Measurement of the General Vitality (GV) of the sample and the Harmonized Vitality (HV) measurement of the sample after the components in the sample have been energetically balanced +
Includes Recommended Product Usage Instruction, including dilutions, amount of solution over area, and stacking order.
Additional Component Details Included: GV, HV, PV, Cation Activity, Anionic Activity, Acid, Alkaline, Organic Matter, Humus, C, NH4, NO2, NO3, P2O5, K, SO4, Ca, Mg, Na, B, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Cl, Si, Se, Mo, Co, Ni, Paramagnetism, Aflatoxins, Chemical Toxicity


AGRINOMICS Plant Compatibility Testing

Example Chart

Description: We test your water source, your seed variety, and your unique soil. By triangulating the results of all three, we have the ability to provide specific feedback regarding the potential success of plants (whether seeds or clones) in respective growing environments.


AGRINOMICS Product Compatibility Test

Example Chart

Description: Decisions are part of agriculture. Our Product Compatibility Testing can help you determine what products to use where and when to use them, how well they will work, and help determine between different forms of the same product, such as a base fertilizer, bio-stimulant, or a form of calcium..

+ $10.00 per additional product.

AGRINOMICS Plant Health Test

Example Chart

Description: Plants are a reflection of their growing environment. Our Plant Health Testing can shed light on the underlying ecosystem issues through testing the life force of plants directly.
For a Plant Health Test, we measure the:

● General Vitality (GV) ● major minerals, ● trace minerals, ● Brix levels


AGRINOMICS Nutrient Solution Test

Example Chart

Description:This analysis is most often utilized by growers using liquid fertilizer solutions or hydroponic applications to accomplish plant growth. It can also be used to evaluate any nutrient or pesticide solution for balance, effectiveness, or potential contamination.


AGRINOMICS Toxicity Test for Cannabis or any Vegetative Product

Example Chart

Description: One of the main concerns in growing medicinal cannabis is the potential for toxicity in the crop being translated into compounded toxicity in the medicine.

Given the range of many thousands of potential toxins and the inability to know the potential toxicity that comes from cloned genetics or environmental drift, Agrinomics Testing Services can pinpoint concerns for the toxin without having to create individual lab testing for each potential toxin.

A specific conventional test confirms the toxin bringing swift identification and potentials for resolution.


AGRINOMICS Analysis of the Farmer
Description: As you can analyze the vitality of your soil, plants, and animals, you can have your own vitality assessed. As the single most important element on the farm, the farmer cannot afford to neglect the farmer.element on the farm, the farmer cannot afford to neglect the farmer.
Selected Areas

Example Chart

Example Chart#2

Description: If you want specific areas assessed and balanced, this may be a good choice for you.
Areas To Choose From ($65 for first + $45 each extra)
● Biofield ● Psychological ● Meridians ● Cellular ● Hematologic ● Immune ● Ophthalmologic ● Oral/Dental ● Pulmonary ● Cardiovascular ● Gastrointestinal ● Hepatic/Biliary ● Renal/Urological ● Reproductive ● Muscle/Skeletal ● Dermatological ● Other
Quantum Analysis

Includes quantum computer analysis in addition (or separately) to the detailed services offered above. An incredible supplement


Complete Package

Includes All of the Above (Basic & Selected Areas), plus Quantum Analysis, full documentation, charts, and explanation.

Total Farmer Analysis capped at $995

Description: Most of our tests and data are self- explanatory. However, introductory explanations are sometimes needed at the start, especially the initial analysis of the land, animal or farmer. Further elaborations can be made for the convenience of the client. For introductions to Agrinomics Testing, Agrinomics will provide free consultation for the first 15 minutes and $125.00 per hour after that.
AGRINOMICS Energetic Scan of Property for Positive and/or Negative Energy

Example Chart

Description: In order to continue producing positive energy on and in your property environment you must negate the negative, toxic energy restraining your property from its maximum potential productivity.

The test will determine if negative energy is influencing your property, the paths of the negative influence, any inward, outward, upward, downward vortexes negatively influencing your property and how to seal or remove the negative influence.


AGRINOMICS Cancelling Negative Energies in Structures and Replacing with Positive Energies of your Selection
Description:This is a Virtual Broadcast Program to cleanse all negative energetic influences inside of a residence or structure and we ask you what you would like these negative influences replaced with, i.e. Love, Respect, Kindness, Forgiveness, Humility, Joy, Peace, Patience, Abundance, Unlimited Prosperity, Generosity, Success, Blessings, Hope.

Immediately after cleansing the structure we will virtually broadcast the positive frequencies to your structure to replace the negative influences cleansed.


AGRINOMICS Broadcast Monitoring Services
Description: Not only are we able to troubleshoot and balance issues on your farm or garden, but we have the capability to broadcast beneficial energies to enhance the performance and capacity of your growing operation over time.

$75 per session

AGRINOMICS Rescue Services
Description: All growers deal with potentially catastrophic weather events of pest/disease infestations at times that may seem impossible to rectify using conventional methods.
We can perform services that work to save crops from potential disasters such as late season pest infestations, frostbite or disease outbreaks.

Custom Price

AGRINOMICS Payments and Retainers
Payments: All Payments are due before testing unless other arrangements are made in advance. Payments are made via the website or electronic invoice with you entering your credit card number on a secure payment site. We do not keep your card on file.

Retainers: Large projects that are using the services on a daily or frequent basis are allowed to work against a monthly replenishing retainer basis.

22384 CR 445
Lindale, Tx 75771

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