New Possibilities For Agriculture
From Agrinomics

Structuring The World’s Water 

New technologies designed to simulate the natural processes that occur as water percolates up from the ground out of a mountain spring and flows through wild watercourses like rivers and streams. These technologies change the molecular properties of water and its constituent elements to improve water retention in your soil and hydration in your crops, resulting in a substantial decrease in water usage, soil salinity, mineral buildup and pooling.

  1. 30%+ water and input reduction...By replicating the processes that occur naturally as part of the water cycle, the water structuring system returns irrigation water to its natural state, thereby reducing water and input needs by 30% or more, with nothing to replace and nothing to wear out.
  2. 30%+ fertilizer reduction...Once water is structured, it has the ability to store a lot of information. Our frequency imprinting technology allows us to holographically imprint the biometric signature of amendments and pesticides into your irrigation water, allowing you to reduce application rates by 30% or more, thereby reducing costs and improving crop quality and yield.
  3. 30%+ reduction in pesticides, herbicides and fungicides...Our service utilizes the latest discoveries in quantum physics to record biometric signatures of your fields farm. We collect soil, tissue, and pest samples to remotely broadcast information to deter pests and create the space for your crops to thrive.
Agrinomics Structured Water

How We Produce Structured Water

Why A Structured Water System

Are you looking to revitalize your farm operation? The rising global population (estimated to grow from 7 billion to 9 billion by mid-century) together with economic growth in emerging markets will mean burgeoning demand for both potable water and food. Agriculture now accounts for roughly 70 percent of global water use, but as dietary changes in developing countries raise demand for water-intensive foods such as meat and dairy, this proportion will grow yet higher. Without efficiency gains, agricultural water demand is expected to grow by 45 percent — or an additional annual 1,400 billion cubic meters of water per year — by 2030.


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